Our Organization

"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Matthew 16:18

The Shadow Leadership Organization was founded on December 5, 2024. The members were chosen, they did not apply. This is our leadership hierarchy.

In the world, not of it. In the gym, not naked.

"In mundo pressuram habetatis, sed confidite: Ego vici mundum."

Raven Skibidi


Alexei Burgers

I like to take the dog for a walk and eat my mucus, I love saying N.
“small acts with great love” -Mother Teresa

AB Gordo

Daniels older, taller, faster, better hair brother.

"I don’t know much, but I know the scrunch is better than the fold."

Uncle Dave Marshall

“Ummm, yeah..” -Aven (ending prayer)


Just a cradle Catholic looking to reflect the uniqueness, beauty, and tradition of the Catholic faith in this broken world.

“reject modernity” -Charlotte Simpson

Dan The Man

Fisherman or Fisher of man?

“I think Boba is for women” - Fr. Maximo

Adam Ramzzler

Tryin’ to change this society of bloody pagans!

"Lord, give me patience... but hurry!" - Someone somewhere

The Drewster